Adam discreetly played the letter carrier during his residency in Besançon: the German artist dropped no less than 2000 envelopes in the mailboxes of lucky students and residents of Besançon… Inside, images and texts about invisible passages to an undisciplined school, the An-Akademie…
Bien Urbain 10
3 weeks : from 3rd to 20th June 2021
27 invited artists : 25e art collectif (FR), Adam (SW), Alias Ipin (FR), Anaïs Florin & Botédesîles (FR), Coco Bergholm (ALL), Antonin Hako (FR), Eltono (FR), Erosie (NL), Evelise Millet (FR), Guillaume Bertrand (FR), Helmut Smits (NL), Icy & Sot (IR/US), L.E.O (US), La Folie Kilomètre & Nicolas Filloque (FR), Mardi Noir (FR), Mathieu Tremblin & Cynthia Montier (FR), Mujo Atelier (FR), Nelio (FR), OX (FR), Oxi (FR), Rouge (FR), Small (FR), The Wa (FR).
Adept of the hidden spaces of the cities (tunnels, shelters of abandoned building site…) Adam creates there houses with the cleverly thought furniture, lives them then leaves the key to the curious or the lucky ones.
Photo credits
Élisa Murcia-Artengo