After several experiments, Ju Hyun Lee and our civic service volunteer Mathieu Jeanmougin created a whole color chart of plants: beets, onions, wild plants… The remains of the compost and the pickings allowed even more than a simple fertilizer for the sculpture Mama the most beautiful!
The Ateliers Juste Ici is a project of collective and creative appropriation of public spaces carried out by the association Juste Ici since 2018 in the Planoise neighborhood and since 2021 in the Clairs Soleils neighborhood, in the framework of the City Contract. It is supported by the Ministry of Culture, the DRAC Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, the Agence Nationale de la Cohésion des Territoires, the Région Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, Grand Besançon Métropole, the City of Besançon and the MJC Clairs-Soleils. Thanks to the adult relay system, the artist Ju Hyun LEE will lead workshops and create works of art with the residents over a three-year period (2021-2023) in these neighborhoods.
Ju Hyun LEE is a South Korean artist who works with cultivated and/or wild plants, exploring all aesthetic, gustatory and convivial experiences. Her main subject of experimentation is food, food that changes our views, emotions, thoughts, daily practices, health, value, organization of work, and finally, the sense of sharing.
Photos credits
Mathieu Jeanmougin, Ju Hyun Lee, Chloé Cura