Small collage, made at the entrance of the old Rhodiaceta factory.
Bien Urbain 10
3 weeks : from 3rd to 20th June 2021
27 invited artists : 25e art collectif (FR), Adam (SW), Alias Ipin (FR), Anaïs Florin & Botédesîles (FR), Coco Bergholm (ALL), Antonin Hako (FR), Eltono (FR), Erosie (NL), Evelise Millet (FR), Guillaume Bertrand (FR), Helmut Smits (NL), Icy & Sot (IR/US), L.E.O (US), La Folie Kilomètre & Nicolas Filloque (FR), Mardi Noir (FR), Mathieu Tremblin & Cynthia Montier (FR), Mujo Atelier (FR), Nelio (FR), OX (FR), Oxi (FR), Rouge (FR), Small (FR), The Wa (FR).
Already invited to Bien Urbain 1 and 3, associate artist of Bien Urbain 7 and former member of the Ripoulin brothers, OX has always found his inspiration in a rather original medium: 4x3m advertising panels. He sticks his paintings imagined for the place, offering passers-by free and mischievous images. OX offers himself a freedom of expression that goes beyond the established frameworks without claiming a militant attitude.
Photo credits
Élisa Murcia-Artengo