Series of spontaneous collages in Besançon streets, as much in Prés-de-Vaux as in the city center or in the Battant and Rivotte districts.
Besançon (FR)
Bien Urbain 7
1 month : From 20th may to 17th June 2017
Place : mobile
Associate artist : OX (FR)
13 guest artists : Alias Ipin (FR), Bla+ (FR), Ekta (SWE), Ericailcane (IT), ESPO Stephen Powers (US), Sasha Kurmaz (UA), Jordan Seiler (US), Diana Sirianni (IT), Cie Spina (IT), LN Surfil (FR), OX (FR), Olivier Toulemonde (FR), The Wa (FR)
Former member of the Frères Ripoulin with OX, Bla + also continued to paint, abandoning the street but not the colorful aesthetic of the 80s. He works around colorful characters more or less understandable, falsely disturbing, to find like pop-up pictures in different places of Besançon.
Photo credits
Élisa Murcia-Artengo