“Under the hypnotic grimaces of official pacification is waging a war. A war which can no longer be said to be simply economic, or even social or humanitarian, by being total. While everyone feels that his existence tends to become the field of a battle where neuroses, phobias, somatizations, depressions and anxieties sound as many retreats, no one manages to grasp neither the course nor the stakes.” by Tiqqun, 2001
Find the text written by Sasha Kurmaz by clicking here. The title of the project refers to the book «Regarding the Pain of Others» by Susan Sontag.
Bien Urbain 7
1 month : From 20th may to 17th June 2017
Place : mobile
Associate artist : OX (FR)
13 guest artists : Alias Ipin (FR), Bla+ (FR), Ekta (SWE), Ericailcane (IT), ESPO Stephen Powers (US), Sasha Kurmaz (UA), Jordan Seiler (US), Diana Sirianni (IT), Cie Spina (IT), LN Surfil (FR), OX (FR), Olivier Toulemonde (FR), The Wa (FR)
After discovering the street through the practice of graffiti, Sasha Kurmaz interrogates the surrounding signs, the role of painting on a wall (marking, provoking, questioning…), the absurdity and violence of advertising and often of the institutional communication. His interventions take the form of installations, paintings, performances, editions or videos.
Photo Credits
Élisa Murcia-Artengo