Mural painting, Still visible, UFR SJEPG – Campus de la Bouloie, Besançon (FR)
Bien Urbain 4
1 month : from 7th June to 5th July 2014
14 invited artists : Pierre-Laurent Cassière (FR), Aurélien Bertini (FR), Brad Downey (US), Zosen Bandido (ES) et Mina Hamada (JP), Tellas (IT), Pastel (AR), Elian Chali (AR), Franco Fasoli Jaz (AR), MOMO (US), les Frères Ripoulain (FR), Graphic Surgery (NL), Ever (AR), Etienne Bultingaire (FR).
After some years of intensive practice in graffiti in Buenos Aires, Franco Fasoli leaned toward other ways of painting in the street, whether it was by the technique, usually experimental, or by the pictorial style. He became then known under the name of Jaz for his atypical style of representing encounters, situations or human feelings through scenes where animals and geometrical forms cross themselves. Mass phenomena or unarmed combats are subjects that frequently meet in his paintings, where bodies get confused in a dead-end track.
Photo credits
Élisa Murcia-Artengo, Laure Saint-Hillier